If you are in Santa Teresa Gallura and you want to discover La Maddalena Archipel, then you can book this day trip by boat, where you will get to know many wonders of the far north east of Sardinia! In fact, you will make stops of about an hour and a half each in the major islands such as Santa Maria and Spargi. There will also be a stop on the ground to visit the city center of La Maddalena, small but full of souvenir shops, where you can choose your memory of an experience of discovery and relax. Ideal for families with children and with lunch served on board, you will have all the comforts available and especially the comfortable descent to the beach with walkway. Book online your day among these beautiful crystal clear waters and under the warm sun of Sardinia!
Il pranzo servito a bordo prevede un primo piatto di pasta alla marinara oppure pasta in bianco con olio e parmigiano.
Qualora fossero presenti intolleranze alimentari si è pregati di comunicarlo almeno un giorno prima al numero di telefono presente nel Voucher di prenotazione
A disposizione ben 3 moderne imbarcazioni: Motonave Uragano I, Motonave Love Boat, Motonave Aldebaran III
La tassa di sbarco è da pagare in loco e in contanti.
Full price: 57.50 € | Reduced: 37.50 € | Children: FREE
Full price: 55.00 € | Reduced: 35.00 € | Children: FREE
Full price: 57.50 € | Reduced: 37.50 € | Children: FREE