Vivi un'esperienza unica in un'azienda agricola a Massama, un borgo contadino nei pressi di Oristano nel versante ovest della Sardegna, dove il protagonista principale sarà l'olio extravergine d'oliva.
Vivrai un'esperienza emozionale che inizierà sotto l’ombra degli ulivi ultracentenari in compagnia di Anna ed Antonella, sommelier di olio e vino appartenenti alla quinta generazione della famiglia, e dei racconti sul mondo contadino della loro famiglia. L'esperienza prosegue nella casa padronale di fine '800 dove gusterai i vari oli, imprarerai a conoscerli ed abbinarli ai piatti.
Grazie agli insegnamenti di Anna ed Antonella, le etichette degli oli non avranno più segreti per te e imparerai ad esaltare al meglio i sapori delle tue pietanze.
The farm was founded in 1857 and is a historical enterprise recognized by Unioncamere. The certified organic farm produces award-winning extra virgin olive oil of excellence nationally and internationally from indigenous Sardinian cultivars including Bosana, Nera di Villacidro, Sa Manna and Semidiana, the latter typical of the Oristano area.
The experience will begin in the farm's olive grove where you will learn about the different Sardinian cultivars, how to harvest, transport and press the olives to understand how to obtain an excellent oil and what is the best method of preserving the evo. Then there will be a tasting where Antonella and Anna will teach you how to recognize an extra virgin olive oil from an olive oil and a lampante oil through organoleptic analysis. You will also learn how to match oils according to the different characteristics of bitter and spicy fruitiness to dishes prepared by the farm.
In addition to the various types of oils, the tasting includes: country crostone, vegetables according to the season, legume humus and a chef's surprise, water and a glass of local wine. Accommodations for allergies, intolerances, and vegetarian and vegan alternatives are available, with prior notification to the number on the reservation voucher at least two days before the experience.
Pets are allowed on leashes both outside and inside the facility, except in processing rooms or where food is handled, as long as they are of docile disposition.